摘要:In this paper the histopathological observation of the migratory phase of schistosome larvae (schistosomulae) in the laboratory animal were studied. The first tissue samples were taken from the skin of infected animals 30 minutes after exposure to the cercariae and continued daily up to 40 days post infection. The tissue specimens were taken from skin, liver. Lung, lymph nodes, kidney, brain, bladder, spleen, and diaphragm of animals were autopsied for histopathological studies. On days 3-5 after infection the schistosomulae were found in the penetration sites of the skin, and pathological changes were studied. From 3 to 21 days post infection the schistosomulae in different stages of development were detected in the lung. The pathological changes in the liver in the early stages were minor, but cellular infiltration and pigment deposition gradually were increased. On days 30-40 post infection in schistosoma mansoni infections deposition of eggs and granolumatous lesions were noted in the liver. The tegumental changes of the schistosomulae duringthis period were studied by the scanning electron microscopy too.