出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the likelihood that the millennial generation will embrace social media as aplatform as a means of engaging in healthcare discussions. An empirical study employing use of survey questionnaireis utilized. The independent variables of Perceived ease of use, Privacy, and Localization/Personalization are studiedto analyze how they influence attitude to share both general and personal health information on social media and howthese in turn affect intention to use health information obtained from social media. We found that Ease of use, &Localization/personalization positively impact attitudes to share both general and personal health information onsocial media and that privacy concerns are not significant in impacting attitude toward sharing either general orpersonal health information. Finally, attitudes toward sharing either general or personal health information bothpositively affect intention to use health information obtained from social media.
关键词:Millennial; Social Media; Health Care; Health 2.0