出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:It is imperative that institutes of higher education produce self-directed, self-regulated learners who plan theirlearning goals, monitor and control their learning, and adjust their learning strategies to meet their academicobjectives. One of the most widely used instruments to investigate self-regulated learning strategies is the MotivatedStrategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ); however, the instrument’s latent factor structure and discriminantvalidity have been questioned. This study collected three iterations of data for Motivation and two iterations of datafor Learning Strategies validation. Principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted toinvestigate the latent factor structure. Convergent and discriminant validity tests were performed to test constructvalidity. The analyses revealed similar Motivation subscales and items that were consistent with the originalsubscales, but the modified items did not correspond well with the original Learning Strategies subscales.