摘要:Nowadays, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is considered as a major cause for mortality in the world. Life style changes and physical inactivity have main role for CVD. This study was performed to determine the level and kinds of physical activity and exercises done by residents of Isfahan (³ 15 years old). The sample size was 1520 selected from random clusters in Isfahan city. For all subjects questionnaires containing 35 questions were completed. The results showed that about 70% of subjects did some kinds of exercises and physical activity including walking and aerobic morning activities. Nearly 14% had severe physical activity and 8% had athletic exerciser. Walking, despite of its duration ,was a common activity in 70% of people and cycling was done only by men including 12% of the total sample. The comparison of the main results with other countries showed that there were some similarities and differences. For example in our country, there is no proper condition for sever physical activity and exercises. Therefore, it is essential to design educational programs through mass media to advocate places for prompting people to exercise.