摘要:Bacteria usually cause disease in the gastrointestinal tract by colonization and growth in the gastrointestinal tract, where the micro organisms may invade the tissues of host or secretion of an exotoxin that is performed in food and then ingested by the host, examples of second group include: staphylococcal, Bacillus cereus, clostridial (C.botulinum and C.perfringens type A) toxin. In this study pathogenic bacteria of 350 food products by culture method were investigated. The results were obtained as follows: Bacillus cereus 12 cases (3.4), Staphylococcus coagulase positive 25(7.1%), Staphylococcus coagulase negative 37 (10.6%), Streptococcus alpha hemolysis 18 (5.1%), Enterococcus 3(0.8%) and Klebsiella 5(1.4%).