摘要:This study was to determine the health knowledge, attitude, and practice of adolescence girls during puberty among 8th grade students in southern part of Tehran in 1996-1997. It also addressed the health needs and therefore the necessary steps to be taken to promote adolescent's health.Sample study consisted of 225 students, their mothers, and their teachers. Each person was interviewed by a trained personnel and special questionnaire. Analysis of the questionnaires showed that the girls' knowledge about physiological, psychological, and social aspects of puberty was low. Most of them (%75) reported that their first menstruation made them scared because they thought had a disease. The most reported source of information about puberty and menstruation was the mother, %36 reported their knowledge about adolescent's health is not enough and %33 reported having difficulties talking to their daughters about puberty and menstruation %19 of them were illiterate, %39 had primary school, %30 had secondary school, and %12 had higher education. The higher the mother's education level, the higher the age that they considered their daughters to be psychosocially matures. Most of the girls (%76) expected psychologically negative changes during puberty and (%72) experienced them based on this study, it can be suggested that health education programs for adolescent girls should focus their efforts on the mothers knowledge as their main practical method of meeting the girls need for information. Mothers were sensitive to moral and behavioural aspects of adolescent's health. The results show the importance of psychological aspects of adolescent's health Educating mothers will promote their knowledge, attitude, and practice about adolescent's health and therefore decrease their daughter’s mental and emotional problems during this period of time.