摘要:Health equity is considered as one of the main objectives of health care systems. This study was carried out with the aim of determining health equity indicators in Iran. Through consideration of these indicators, differences in health status of different social groups and different geographical areas can be shown in different periods and based on that, effective interventions can be designed. This study is carried out through a main workshop and expert panels and final consensus on selected indicators. The first draft of indicators and inequity stratifying variables were prepared and then revised by working groups consisting of experts inside and outside Health system. Finally ideas were accepted or rejected after presenting enough reasons and deep examination through the Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making (COMD) model. Fifty two indicators have been determined as health equity indicators in five areas including health, social and human development, economic development, physical environment and infrastructure and governance. Furthermore, for each indicator the proper and practical stratifying variables of inequity were identified. By calculating such indicators, it becomes possible to determine differences in health status of different social groups and different geographical areas.