期刊名称:International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Cyber physical systems (CPS) are mission critical systems engineered by combination of cyber andphysical systems respectively. These systems are tightly coupled, resource constrained systems and havedynamic real time applications. Due to the limitation of resources, and in order to improve the efficiency ofthe CPS systems, they are combined with cloud computing architecture, and are called as Cyber PhysicalCloud Computing Systems (CPCCS). These CPCCS have critical care applications where security of thesystems is a major concern. Therefore, we propose a Secure Service provisioning architecture for CyberPhysical Cloud Computing Systems (CPCCS), which includes the combination of technologies such asCPS, Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks. In addition to this, we also highlight variousthreats/attacks; security requirements and mechanisms that are applicable to CPCCS at different layersand propose two security models that can be adapted in a layered architectural format.