期刊名称:International Journal on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Successful applications coming from biologically inspired algorithm like Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)based on artificial swarm intelligence which is inspired by the collective behavior of social insects. ACOhas been inspired from natural ants system, their behavior, team coordination, synchronization for thesearching of optimal solution and also maintains information of each ant. At present, ACO has emerged asa leading metaheuristic technique for the solution of combinatorial optimization problems which can beused to find shortest path through construction graph. This paper describe about various behavior of ants,successfully used ACO algorithms, applications and current trends. In recent years, some researchershave also focused on the application of ACO algorithms to design of wireless communication network,bioinformatics problem, dynamic problem and multi-objective problem.