期刊名称:EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzi eta Teknologi Aldizkaria
出版社:Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
摘要:Lan honetan, molekula-egiturak BODIPY izeneko koloratzaileen propietate fotofisikoetan duen eragina aztertzen da, gehienbat ikusgaiko alde gorritik urdinera laser sintonizagarrien ingurune-aktiboa garatzeko. BODIPYaren ordezkapen patroiaren arabera propietate espektroskopikoak modulatu eta optimiza daitezke. Horrela, BODIPYaren oinarrizko kromoforoa abiapuntutzat hartuta (absortzio/igorpen ikusgaiko alde berde/horian) aldaketak egin dira egitura molekularrean banda espektralak lerrokatzeko, bai eremu urdinera (heteroatomoak meso posizioan sartuz), bai eremu gorrira (π sistema deslokalizatua hedatuz). Ondorioz, koloratzaile komertzialekin konparatuz gero, ikusgaiko eremu espektral osoa betetzen duten BODIPY koloratzaile berriak garatu dira, propietate fotofisiko eta laser hoberekin.
其他摘要:The herein reported work deals with the photophysical signatures of the dyes known as BODIPY. In particular, it is focused on the molecular structure impact towards the development of active media for tunable dye lasers from the blue to the red edge of the visible region. The spectroscopic properties of BODIPYs can be finely modulated and improved just changing the substitution pattern. Thus, taking as starting point the simplest core (absorption/emission at the green/yellow visible region) and after suitable chemical modifications of the backbone, its spectral bands can be deeply shifted to the blue (heteroatoms at meso position) as well as to the red-edge (extended p-system). Therefore, novel BODIPY dyes covering the whole visible spectral region have been developed with improved photophysical and laser performance with regard to the comercially available dyes.