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  • 标题:Konposatu fenolikoak eta osasuna
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  • 作者:Iñaki Milton Laskibar ; Alfredo Fernández Quintela ; María Puy Portillo Baquedano
  • 期刊名称:EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzi eta Teknologi Aldizkaria
  • 印刷版ISSN:0214-9001
  • 出版年度:2017
  • 语种:Basque
  • 出版社:Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • 摘要:Konposatu fenolikoak, egitura kimikoaren arabera sailkatu daitezkeen sustantzia ezberdinez osatutako talde zabal bat dira. Landareek ekoizten dituzte bigarren mailako metabolito gisa, erradiazio ultramorea, patogenoak, kalte oxidatiboa eta ingurugiro baldintza zailak bezalako erasoei erantzuteko. Hori dela eta, landare jatorriko elikagaietan aurkitzen dira modu naturalean, hala nola frutetan, barazkietan, fruitu lehorretan, olioetan, tean eta ardoan. Konposatu fenoliko gehienak ester, glukosido edo polímero gisa aurkitzen dira elikagaietan, eta ondorioz hestean hidrolizatu behar dira xurgatuak izan baino lehen. Gibelean eta heste meharrean konposatu fenolikoak II faseko entzimen eraginagatik metabolizatzen dira. Gibelean eratu diren metabolitoen zati bat, heste meharrera jariatua izango da behazun bideetatik, non berriro xurgatuak izateko deskonjugatuko diren, edota kolonerako bidea jarraituko duten. Behin heste lodian, hesteko mikrobiotak konposatu fenolikoak metabolizatuko ditu. Prozesu hauen ondorioz, konposatu fenolikoen bioerabilgarritasuna baxua da. Konposatu fenolikoen eta hauen metabolitoen iraizpena, gernu bidez ematen da nagusiki. Ahalmen antioxidatzaile handia duten konposatu bioaktiboak dira. Azken urteetan, hainbat gaixotasunen (minbizia, gaixotasun kardiobaskularrak eta neuroendekapenezko gaixotasunak) garapenaren aurkako efektu onuragarriak egotzi zaizkie, dituzten efektu antioxidatzaileengatik eta baita beste zenbait mekanismo ezberdinengatik ere.
  • 其他摘要:Phenolic compounds make up a wide group of different substances that can be grouped together by its chemical structure. They are synthesized by plants as secondary metabolites in response to aggressions such as ultraviolet radiation, pathogens, oxidative damage and rough climatic conditions. For this reason, they can be found in plant based foodstuffs, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, teas and wines. The majority of the phenolic compounds present on food are found as esters, glycosides or polymers, which have to be hydrolyzed in the gut before being absorbed. By the action of the so called phase II enzymes, the phenolic compounds are metabolized in the small bowel and in the liver. Some of the metabolites produced in the liver are secreted to the small bowel through the bile duct, where they will be either deconjugated to be reabsorbed or reach the colon. Once in the large bowel, the phenolic compounds are further metabolized by the gut microbiota. As a consequence of all these processes, the bioavailability of the phenolic compounds is low. The excretion of the phenolic compounds and their metabolites is basically done through the urine. They are bioactive compounds with high antioxidant capacity. In the last years, different beneficial effects against the development of some illnesses (cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative illnesses) were attributed to these compounds, in part because of their antioxidant effect, and also due to other different mechanisms.
  • 关键词:Phenolic compounds; antioxidant; metabolism; health;Konposatu fenolikoa; antioxidatzailea; metabolismoa; osasuna