摘要:This study aims at discussing the understanding and definition of analogy reasoning ability including the example of how analogy reasoning ability is formulated in the form of analogy reasoning components and its indicators. This study was a qualitative design research. The data obtained in this study was collected from Mathematic assignment exercise sheets. The source of the data was obtained from think alouds, transcribed interview, and video during assignment completion and interview. The data obtained, then, were analyzed using interactive qualitative analysis technique. The result of this study was examined and described qualitatively. In accordance with the theoretical framework established, the results of this study are described in three groups classification which possess different characteristics such as internal structurization, connective external structurization, and extension external structurization.
其他摘要:Abstract: This study aims at discussing the understanding and definition of analogy reasoning ability including the example of how analogy reasoning ability is formulated in the form of analogy reasoning components and its indicators. This study was a qualitative design research. The data obtained in this study was collected from Mathematic assignment exercise sheets. The source of the data was obtained from think alouds, transcribed interview, and video during assignment completion and interview. The data obtained, then, were analyzed using interactive qualitative analysis technique. The result of this study was examined and described qualitatively. In accordance with the theoretical framework established, the results of this study are described in three groups classification which possess different characteristics such as internal structurization, connective external structurization, and extension external structurization. Key Words: competence of reasoning, analogy reasoning, algebra problem Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membahas pengertian dan definisi kemampuan penalaran analogi disertai dengan contoh bagaimana kompetensi penalaran analogi tersebut dirumuskan dalam bentuk komponen-komponen penalaran analogi serta indikatornya. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data hasil lembar tugas matematika. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil thinks alouds , wawancara yang ditranskripkan, dan video selama subjek mengerjakan lembar tugas serta wawancara. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan model teknik analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini dikaji dan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan kerangka teori yang dibangun, hasil penelitian ini dipaparkan dalam tiga kelompok yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda yaitu penstrukturan internal, penstrukturan eksternal konektif, dan penstrukturan eksternal ekstensi. Kata kunci: kemampuan penalaran, penalaran analogi, masalah aljabar
关键词:competence of reasoning;analogy reasoning;algebra problem