摘要:The purpose of this study is to develop research-based module of techniques and result of antiproliferative particle ZnO examination and In vitro UV radiation towards MCF-7 breast cancer cell for Biotechnology course. This study used a 4D development model suggested by Thiagarajan and was conducted until development stage only. The result of this study showed that the validity percentage of module are 90,91% from content expertise, 95,83 from media and design expertise, and 88,89% from small grouping test. It can be stated that the module is valid and applicable.
其他摘要:Abstract : The purpose of this study is to develop research-based module of techniques and result of antiproliferative particle ZnO examination and In vitro UV radiation towards MCF-7 breast cancer cell for Biotechnology course. This study used a 4D development model suggested by Thiagarajan and was conducted until development stage only. The result of this study showed that the validity percentage of module are 90,91% from content expertise, 95,83 from media and design expertise, and 88,89% from small grouping test. It can be stated that the module is valid and applicable. Key Words : module development, antiproliferative examination, ZnO particle, UV radiation, MCF-7 breast cancer cell, in vitro, biotechnology Abstrak :Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan modul produk bahan ajar berupa modul berbasis riset yang memuat teknik dan hasil riset uji antiproliferatif partikel ZnO dan penyinaran UV terhadap sel kanker MCF-7 secara in vitro untuk matakuliah Bioteknologi. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan Thiagarajan (4D) yang terdiri dari tahap define, design, develop , dan disseminate , namun tahap penelitian yang dilakukan hanya sampai tahap develop. Hasil validasi dari ahli materi menyatakan tingkat validitas dengan persentase 90,91%, ahli media dan desain pembelajaran 95,83%, dan uji kelompok kecil 88,89%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul teknik kultur jaringan hewan berbasis riset uji antiproliferatif partikel ZnO dan penyinaran UV terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7 telah dihasilkan dan telah layak digunakan karena sudah tervalidasi. Kata kunci : pengembangan modul, riset, uji antiproliferatif, partikel ZnO, penyinaran UV, sel kanker payudara MCF-7, in vitro, bioteknologi
关键词:module development;antiproliferative examination;ZnO particle;UV radiation;MCF; 7 breast cancer cell;in vitro;biotechnology;pengembangan modul;riset;uji antiproliferatif;partikel ZnO;penyinaran UV;sel kanker payudara MCF; 7;in vitro;bioteknologi