出版社:Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
其他摘要:The militant organizations’ print media in Pakistan also could be called jihad media, new media or radical media. Different from the mainstream media in Pakistan, the media of militant organizations were one of the alternative media. The media of militant organizations originated in 1979, since the outset of the war between Soviet Union and Afghanistan. The media of militant organizations’ rise had deep ideological roots. And the media of militant organizations were influenced by social environment in Pakistan at that time. This paper was focused on the rising and preliminary developments of the militant organizations’ print media in Pakistan. The militant organizations’ print media in Pakistan were closely related in Pakistani media situation. Terrorist activities were now rampant around the world. So, it had great practical significance to study the history and operation of the militant organizations’ print media.
关键词:Pakistan;The militant organization;Print media;Publication; Development