摘要:Background: In the service industry, perceived value is a concept of ever-increasing importance. It allows us to describe patients’ perceptions of health services in a significantly more complex manner. To measure patients’ perceptions of health services, we need a different measuring instrument, one that would take into account the multi-dimensional nature of perceived value. Purpose: the development and validation of a new instrument for measuring patient-reported outcomes after treatment. Methodology: the development of this instrument includes test construction, item reduction, validation, and the evaluation of its structure and internal consistency. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA, CFA) were used. Results: The results of Cronbach’s alpha for different constructs are: is 0.87 for Quality, 0.96 for Reputation, 0.83 for Perceived Value, 0.88 for Price, 0.89 for Satisfaction, and 0.90 for Loyalty. The values of other coefficients (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, Bartlett in explained variance) are also adequately high. The final absolute fit indices are: chi-square 426.3, df=137, RMSEA=0.05, NFI=0.96, CFI=0.98. Conclusion: our measuring instrument is characterized by high reliability and validity for measuring outcomes after treatment.