摘要:Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) has been introduced recently as a potentially common diseaseon the basis of studies of patients with claimed reactivity to gluten but without the characteristics ofceliac disease (CD). CD is characterized by antibody reactivity toward the autoantigentransglutaminase 2, characteristic histological abnormalities of the small intestine, and an almostobligatory genetic haplotype (HLA-DQ2 or DQ8). The diagnosis of NCGS is based largely on theclinical suspicion of hyper-reactivity to gluten and the absence of the characteristics of CD. Fewpublished studies have used double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFCs) for thediagnosis of NCGS, and none in children. Innate immune reactivity to amylase trypsin inhibitors hasbeen suggested as the pathogenic principle in NCGS, but confirmatory evidence is lacking. Also,further clinical studies including DBPCFCs are needed.