摘要:Aim: To find out the defense enzymes synthesis due to pre-application of plant extracts as inducers. Study of Design: The experiment was conducted in glass house condition using three replications. The standard statistical analysis was done to find out the variance. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Plant Pathology, CSA University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh, India during 2012-2014. Methodology: Standard methodology was followed to conduct the experiment. Results: Among the 11 plants extracts viz. Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, Physalis, Melilotus albus, Datura stromonium, Solanum nigrum, Achyranthus aspera , Salix sp., Thevetia peruviana, Duranta erecta, Polyalthia longifolia as inducers, the maximum increased level of defense enzymes POD, PPO and PAL were found in Lantana camara treated potato leaves. Conclusion: Pre treatment with plant extracts as inducer provided induced resistance in plant against A. solani resulting declined in disease severity and also increase the elevated level of defense related enzymes like peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase.