In some earlier studies, it has been indicated that juvenile delinquents show present orientation, have narrow time extention, and are indifferent to their own future. I maintain that it is necessary to support these results by the case study. In the analysis of narrative, on the other hand, it shows that narrative is related to the time in personal experience.In this study, I set up the hypothesis that the change of narrative happens simultaneously with the change of time perspective with an interviewee, and I picked up the case of narrative of a senior highschool student having a personal interview for stealing motorcycles, and analysed the case. The findings are as follows. (1)In the first stage, interviewee's consciousness is full of incidents at present and he often uses terms transmitting informations. (2)In the second and third stage, when he tries to consider concretely about his own future, he often uses terms showing strong will and objectivity to his actions. These show that it is possible to understand the process of mental development of the interviewee through the analysis of the change of narrative style.