The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influnce of the activities of German war-prisoners in the Bando P.O.W. (prisoner of war) Camp on the development of sport and physical education in Tokushima where the Camp was located. The historical materials used for this paper were collected mainly from newspapers and "Keibi-Keisatsukan-Hokokusho" which was a report on the German prisoners' life in the Bando P.O.W. Camp written by Japanese police sergeants. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: Students and teachers of some elementary and secondary schools went to see German prisoners, activities such as Turnen, football, tennis, and hockey. And several prisoners visited schools to coach them for Turnen. In "German war-prisoners' variety show", German prisoners introduced their Turnen and sport activities such as gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting and dance to students and people in Tokushima. "Japan Martial Arts Association Tokushima Branch" set up "Meeting for the Study of German Martial Arts" and invited eleven German prisoners to perform wrestling, boxing and fencing matches. Then the Association sent two Japanese members to the Camp to do further study of those activities. This friendly communications with people of Tokushima which was brought from the German war-prisoners' Turnen and sport activities gave a significant influence on sports in Tokushima, and this fact should not be neglected in the consideration of the history of sport and physical education in Japan.