摘要:This work presents a new holistic measure for face recognition. Face recognition involves three steps: Face Detection, Feature Extraction and Matching. In the face detection process to identify the face area in face images, Viola-Jones algorithm has been used. Feature extraction is based on performing double-transformation, where discrete Tchebychev transform is performed on the geodesic distance transform of the grayscale image. Structural Similarity (SSIM) is applied to the resulting image double-transform to find matching factor with other image faces in the FEI (Brazilian) database. Performance is measured using a confidence criterion based on the similarity distance between the recognized person (best match) and the next possible ambiguity (second-best match). Simulation results showed that the proposed approach handles the face recognition efficiently as compared with SSIM.
关键词:Discrete Tchebychev Moments; Generalized Geodesy via Geodesic Time; Structural Similarity (SSIM); Viola-Jones; Face Recognition; Image Processing