出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:This paper presents conceptual and historical aspects about microcredit. Given that, credit markets are imperfect with market failure and credit rationing, limiting the access of the poor. Despite the microfinance growth, critics accuse it of not being effective in overcoming poverty. In Brazil microcredit programs emerged from grassroots initiatives and actions of public policy, especially with the introduction of the Oriented Productive Microcredit Program, in 2005. This work found some difficulty on banking services access, in general, such problem is known as banking exclusion. The poorest and isolated people are those who are most affected, given a strong correlation between the absence of banking credit and poverty in Brazil. The correspondent bank did not solve this problem because, despite offering the most essential banking services they are not able to provide microcredit.
关键词:microcredit;poverty and banking exclusion;microcrédito;pobreza e exclusão bancária.