标题:Aproximación al primer informe de ampliación para la comisión interamericana de derechos humanos - CIDH -: Gestión del riesgo de desastres naturales en Colombia como panorama general para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos en procesos de reasentamiento
摘要:As a result of a Thematic Hearing held before the IACHR on March 19, 2015,the Judicial Clinic of Public Interest of the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana(UNAULA) shares the structure of the first expansion report andinformation detail, describing the segments and Main components through which it seeks to accredit the support it required and recommended the IACHR oncethe Thematic Hearing was concluded to strengthen the claims made against theState of Colombia. Once the general description of the components of the report ismade, some concrete results are presented on the basis of disaster risk managementas a collective right constitutionally recognized in Colombia; The evolution ofregulations on risk management as a legal platform for expanded information on thereality of human rights in vulnerable populations prone to resettlement processes;And consolidated departmental statistics over the last fifteen years.