期刊名称:Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação
出版社:Departamento de Ciência da Informação – UFSC
摘要:The use of indexes and performance indicators can help in decision-making, the definition of strategic actions in the planning, scenario display (current and future) and the results of operations of Technological Innovation Nucleus (NIT). This current article to present, characterize and describe the technology licensing index and technology commercialization index, based on experience from seven universities abroad. For this, an extensive literature review of international best practices in intellectual property management and technology transfer and the interviews was conducted in two US universities, one from Spain, one from Portugal, one from Scotland and two in England which allowed the identification of various indexes and performance indicators. The importance of the issue is justified by the possibility of using them to understand, assess and monitor the evolution of the industry-university technology transfer process. In addition, the study has great value to understand the actions taken by the NIT, contribute to the formulation of public policies (internal and universities), with the creation of a favorable environment for synergy and cooperation with business, and finally as a process of accountability to society, demonstrating the achievements of technology innovation nucleus.
关键词:Technology Licensing Index;Technology Commercialization Index;Performance Indicators;Technology Transfer Office;Índice de Licenciamento de Tecnologias;Índice de Comercialização de Tecnologias;Indicadores de Desempenho;Escritórios de Transferência de Tecnologia