摘要:Over the past year there were no unique model to measure Retail Service Quality (RSQ) with related to Customer loyalty (CL). Therefore, This Study presents a new model of RSQ & CL and examines the impact of retail service quality on customer loyalty. Causal research approach under the conclusive research design was used in this study by the quantitative way to find out the influence of Retail service quality on customer loyalty. This empirical study indicated that, Retail service quality contributes significantly to Customer loyalty (F= 68.194; P < 0.05) and predicts 48.2 percent of the variation found. Further, Problem Solving, Personal Interaction and Policy contribute significantly to customer loyalty. This may probably be the first study that explores the impact of retail service quality on customer loyalty, using the most recent data set of Jaffna.
关键词:Customer Loyalty; Retail Service Quality; Supermarkets