出版社:Utrecht University, Maastricht University, Groningen University
摘要:Introduction : (comprising context and the problem statement) The Health & Wellbeing Clinical Programme Team of the Health & Wellbeing Division of the HSE has developed a framework called Making Every Contact Count (MECC). Ireland has a population of almost 5 million, there are 30 million contacts within the health service annually, 14 million of these in General Practice settings. Hence it is important to harness the wider health care professional community and “Make Every Contact Count” in clinical settings Short description of practice change implemented : Over the past number of years health behaviour change training has taken place within the health service, in the main, this has focused on brief intervention training and has been delivered through face to face programmes which have had limited reach in terms of training the target audience of healthcare staff in Ireland. We are developing develop a training programme to train approximately 60,000 healthcare staff over the next 5 years to deliver brief interventions in their routine interactions with patients. Staff will complete this training through an online blended learning environment. Aim and theory of change : The aim of the project is to develop a standardised online training programme and a standardised blended learning training programme for health service staff to give them the knowledge and skills to raise the issue of lifestyle behaviour with clients and to support clients to make sustained behaviour change. The training will enable staff to achieve the learning outcomes by providing them with core knowledge and skills to deliver a brief intervention in relation to all of the following lifestyle risk factors: tobacco use, alcohol consumption and other substance misuse, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet in their daily consultations . The training should enable staff to explore their own attitudes and beliefs in relation to health behaviour and behaviour change Attain the key information and knowledge in relation to the specific health topics: tobacco, alcohol and substance misuse; physical activity; healthy eating and weight management.
关键词:health behaviour change ; brief intervention ; health professional training programme ; make every contact count ; irish health service