期刊名称:Psychological Science and Education psyedu.ru
出版社:Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
摘要:The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between empathy and learning activity position in adolescence and young. We present the results of empirical research of 78 assisting professions students (psychologists and teachers) and 42 Polytechnic College students with the techniques of studying empathic abilities (questionnaire of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index of M. Davis in the adaptation of TD Karyagina, projective technique "Consolation Strategies" Vasiluk and EV Sheryagina, processing in the modification of AB Kholmogorova), and the the subject position (the questionnaire "Subject Position in studying activity" by Yu.V. Zaretsky and V.K. Zaretsky). Students less likely to use emotional support, the objective position is more clearly expressed and less subjective in relation to learning activity. Subjects with a subjective learning activity position have stronger empathy, perspective taking and the ability to provide support. Subjects with a subject position often use emotional support.
关键词:adolescence; young; empathy; position of agency; learning activity; educational motivation