其他摘要:Music can be used as a therapeutic tool and has several effects in cognitive and physiological functions. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different musical pieces in spatial memory in adult male rats. A T maze was used to investigate spatial memory, with 2 h and 6 h inter trial interval between training and testing phases. B efore tra inin g , animals were expose d to an active or relaxing musical stimulus corresponding to rock and classical pieces. It was found that in the experiment with 2 h interval, animals explore more the novel arm in comparison with the other arm , which indicated that animals still had a good spatial memory. This was not observed in rats that were exp osed to the relaxing rock piece , which could indicate that this stimulus diminished memory. With the 6 h interval the rats explor ed both arms equally, except animals that were exposed to the activating rock piece of music wh ich indicate d a slightly enhance in memory . Thus, t here were found different effect s of m usic co rresponding to the time of interval and the stimulus characteristics. This data provides information to use music as a possible treatment to modulate memory.