摘要:El objetivo de este estudio fue la caracterización técnico-táctica de las acciones de combate en asaltos de esgrima de co mpetición, determinando su e&cacia en función del período del asalto en que se realizan, analizando el tiempo efectivo de combate y de pausa, e identi&can do si existen regularidades en las conductas de los esgrimistas en competición. Para ello se utilizó un di- seño observacional puntual, nomotético y multidimen sional. El instrumento observacional ESGRIMOBS fue validado mediante un pa nel de expertos com- puesto por 17 especialistas. Se utilizó como instrum ento de registro el progra- ma LINCE, y los registros obtenidos fueron tratados y recodi&cados a través del programa Microsoft® O;ce Excel® 2013. El análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial se realizó mediante el programa PASW Statistics para Windows y el análisis de patrones a través de
其他摘要:The present study intended to characterize the tactical and t he technical &ghting actions during fencing competition bouts , determining the respective e;cacy regarding the period that actions ten ded to occur. For that, the time of pause and the time of e?ective &ghting, as we ll as the regularities found on fencers’ behaviour were analysed . A punctual, nomothetic and multidimensional study design was used. ESGRIMOBS observational tool, validated by 17 experts, and LINCE recordi ng instru- ment were applied. Data was treated and recodify through Microsoft® Of- %ce Excel® 2013 . Data descriptive and inferential analyses were performed with the use of PASW Statistics for Windows , and T-Patterns detection was made by &eme software. Reliability was determined through intra and inter-observer agreement. 14 bouts of male epee World Cup of the absolute category were analysed. We veri&ed that 43,1% (±13,3) of the an alysed ac- tions proved e?ective; consequently an increase of the e;cacy all over the bout was found. Also, during the bout , its e?ective time decreased and, con- trarily, increased the pause periods. 72 T-Patterns were identi&ed, showing di?erent regularities in the 14 studied bouts . We conclude that tools applied in the present study are valid to perform tactical and technica l analysis, as well as to identify temporal structures in fencing rounds.