其他摘要:he aim of this study was to add the measure of integrated regulation in physical education to thePerceived Locus of Causality Scale(PLOC). Eight hundred and fifty eight first-year post-compulsory secondary school students, mean age 16.72 years, participated in this study.Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable goodness-of-fit indices for the new version of the scale, revealing an invariant factor structure acrossgender and students’ city of origin. Integrated regulation obtained high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha= .93) and temporal stability (ICC = .87).The criterion validity analysis showed that integrated regulation was the only type of motivation which significantly predicted physical activityparticipation, with a positive regression weight. This new instrument helps to better understand the motivational processes that take place in physicaleducation classes and their relationships with students’ lifestyle. Nevertheless, some limitations were identified that should be addressed in future research.
其他关键词:Self-determination theory; Perceived locus of causality; Psychometric properties.