期刊名称:Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento
出版社:National University of Cordoba
摘要:la memoria de trabajo (MT) refiere al sistema cognitivoque se ocupa del almacenamiento temporal yprocesamiento concurrente de e~tímulo~. Se hapropuesto que la habilid
其他摘要:Working memory (WM) refers lO Ihecognitive sy.tem that deals with temporary .torage andconcurrent stillluli processing. It has been proposed thatthe ability to inhibit irrelevant information urxlerlies theobserved changes in WM during childhood. Since theinhibitory ability in the dual-t~sk paradiglll changesdepl"nding on the similarity of modality in the primaryand 5econdary tasks, the aim of this study was to replicateand extend previously observed intra and interlllodalinleríerence e((eeLS in lale childhood. A b~Llery based 011the dual paradiglll consi5ting of primary and 5econdaryverbal and visuospatial tasks was administrated tochildren aged betw~n nine and 11 years old. Results500wed lower overall performance in visuospatialrnemory, ~nd in memory witoout concurrent task.Although there were signific~nt age effeets in memory,soowing developmental changes in working memory,intermodal concurrent tasks did not show differences as afunaion of age. These findings call into que5tion the roleof inhibitory control in the development of workingmemory in this age brac:ket.