期刊名称:Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento
出版社:National University of Cordoba
摘要:El presente trawjo se propuso an
其他摘要:lile aim of rhppresent ~tudy was the analyses of attentional IrajeclOriesin Argentir.ean primMy school cllildren with and witlloutover-age, alld rile idenlifícalion of potenrial socioculturalmodulators of such lrajectories, based on the parentaleducational and occupational levels. Ihe samplecomprised 183 children from 8 to 13years-old (n = 121boys; n = 62 without over-age), who attended 3"1_ to 6tll_grade in public schools from the city of MendoZ;)(Argentina). lhe FACES Test (Thurstone & Yela, 2012) wasadministered three times during one yeal to assess theattentional performance. After the imp!ementation ofmixed models analyses results showed thal children Wilhand without over-age showed different attentionaltrajeetories, alld rllat farller education was a predietor ofchildren attentional trajectory.