摘要:The development of computer hardware technology improves the mass data processing ability of the microcomputer. With the development of modern, the development of mathematical and computer graphics research and computer software technology, digital terrain, object technology has been developed, which provides the possibility for the traditional 3D city planning city planning. This paper introduces the combination of GIS and network technology, indepth study of the method of component based software development, this paper briefly introduces the significance and development of GIS system. Through the design of a city planning and traffic management system, clear the software development method of component based steps. This paper is mainly to study the city modeling method of 3D city planning based on the modeling method, at the same time is realized through the application development. In the process of application development, mainly two aspects: modeling method to establish the model of city model and attribute. Here we will city model is divided into two types of terrain and feature model, by using the model of overlapping method, the combination of the two models, the formation of city model.