期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Management processes without responsive to abnormal activity that might occur can affect the performance of an organization. The Publishing Workflow Ontology (PWO) will be modified for detect abnormal activity, such as wrong pattern, wrong resource, throughput time maximum and wrong duty combine that occurs in the event logs. The new model from modification called Warning Criterion Ontology (WCO) can be represent the knowledge base to detect abnormal activity in the business process especially this knowledge can be used distinguishes the activity is allowed to be done by the superior and any activity which should only be done by direct superior. The model used some rule for reasoning, then after reasoning used some SPARQL to detection abnormal activity. Results of detection abnormal activity can be used as attributes for assessment Key Performance Indicator (KPI) activity in determining The compliance in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) implementation. This research obtained a value of 96.29% of accuracy resulted comparing into the experts assessment score.
关键词:Warning Criterion Ontology; Key Performance Indicator; the Publishing Workflow Ontology