期刊名称:International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:For a human body to function properly it is essential to have a certain amount of body fat. Fat serves tomanage body temperature, pads and protects the organs. Fat is the fundamental type of the body's vitalitystockpiling. It is important to have a healthy amount of body fat. Overabundance of fat quotient can builddanger of genuine wellbeing issues. Anthropometry is a broadly accessible and basic strategy for theappraisal of body composition. Anthropometry measures are weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI),waist, boundary, biceps, skinfold etc. The human fat percentage is figured by taking anthropometricvariables. We proposed a methodology to determine the body fat percentage using R programming andregression formula. We analyzed 10 anthropometric variables and 3 demographic variables. Our studyshows that the impact of certain variables has an edge over other in predicting body fat percentage.
关键词:Anthropometric variables; Body fat percentage; Fat prediction; Outliners using R programming.