标题:Insecticidal, food utilisation and biochemical effect of essential oils extracted from seeds of Brassica juncea (Czern.) against Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Fabricius)
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
摘要:The glucosinolate rich hot and cold hexane extracts of Brassica juncea had a negative effect on thedevelopment of Spodoptera litura larvae when they were fed on different concentrations of the extracts. Bothlarval growth index and pupal growth index declined with treatment. However the hot extract with 3-butenylisothiocyanate as the predominant compound had a more deleterious effect as at 3125ppm the larvae wereunable to complete their development. The nutritional indices too were more adversely affected with hotextract as compared to cold extract. The RGR, RCR, ECI and ECD declined significantly with increase inconcentration of the hot hexane extract. The activity of antioxidant enzymes, SOD and catalase decreasedwhile that of phosphatases, GSTs, phenol oxidases increased during the initial treatment duration butdecreased on prolonged treatment of the larvae with LC50 concentration of hot extract. A similar trend wasobserved for glutathione and lipid peroxides but a decrease in ascorbate content was observed as compared tocontrol. The findings reveal a toxic effect of 3-butenylisothiocyanate rich hot hexane extract of B. juncea on S.litura larvae.