摘要:International Journal of Exercise Science 10(3): 354-364, 2017. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of six months of training with three different number of sets of resistance training on flexibility in young men. Forty-seven men (mean ± SD age = 24 ± 1yrs; body mass = 79.39 ± 9.12 kg; height = 174.5 ± 5.6 cm) were randomly divided into three training groups performing either one set (G1S), three sets (G3S), or five sets (G5S) of all exercises in a resistance training session or a control group (CG). All groups were assessed pre- and post-training for Sit-and-Reach test and range of motion of 10 joints using goniometry. The training protocol included three weekly sessions and was composed of nine exercises performed at a moderate intensity (eight to 12RM). The results demonstrated significant differences pre- to post-training for the Sit-and-Reach test for all training groups; however, only the G5S showed significant differences when compared to the CG (31.04 ± 5.94cm vs. 23.56 ± 6.76cm, respectively; p < 0.05). Of the ten joint movements measured, there were range of motion increases only to shoulder flexion (G1S), shoulder extension (G3S), elbow flexion (G3S), and knee flexion (G3S) when comparing pre- to post-training (p < 0.05). In conclusion, different resistance training volumes improved flexibility for some joints of young men. These findings indicate that performing only resistance training can result in increases in flexibility.