期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:This paper discusses the design and simulation of an e-learning computer network topology, based on Grid computing technology, for Indonesian schools called the Indonesian Education Grid (IndoEdu-Grid). The grid technology proposed to solve infrastructure problems faced by Indonesian ICT Network (Jardiknas). In previous study, we designed the topology which based on two scenarios: region based and island based topology. Each scenario run in the simulator using two packet scheduling algorithms, one will be FIFO (First In First Out) Scheduler and the other SCFQ (Self-Clocked Fair Queuing) Scheduler. In this paper we proposed a different scenario which based on province. The simulation treatments are the same with the two previous scenarios. The simulation results showed that when using FIFO algorithm, the province based scenario has the best performance compared to Region Based and Island Based. However, this scenario is not competitive with the others when using SCFQ algorithm which is due to higher packet lifetime.