期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:Stochastic deployments of mobile Wireless Sensor Network WSNs are practical in harsh fields, disaster areas, toxic urban regions or hostile environments where human reachability or intervention is impossible, and WSN deployment cannot be performed manually. These deployments may not always lead to effective coverage or; result in a connected network. Hence, distributed deployment schemes where sensor nodes are configured with self-organising and self-adaptive capabilities bring in profound advantages to realise autonomous redeployments of WSNs. In this paper, we present a Distributed and Parallel- Uncovered Region Exploration Algorithm DP-UREA; for autonomous reorganization of WSN after initial stochastic deployment. Execution of DP-UREA is completely distributed in nature; and all sensor nodes execute the procedure in parallel to self-organise. In DP-UREA, each sensor computes uncovered region around itself and computes a new location to self-displace; with an aim to improve the network coverage locally. All these stochastically deployed sensors simultaneously and cooperatively carry out the movements locally; to achieve the global goal. Extensive simulation results of DP-UREA and its comparison with other deployment algorithms show that, the performance of D-UREA is efficient with respect to communication and computation; and versatile enough to suit the pervasive needs of cyber-physical systems.