摘要:Entropy production in multiparticle systems is investigated by analyzing the experimental data on ion-ion collisions at AGS and SPS energies and comparing the findings with those reported earlier for hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions. It is observed that the entropy produced in limited and full phase space, when normalized to maximum rapidity, exhibits a kind of scaling which is nicely supported by Monte Carlo model HIJING. Using Rényi’s order information entropy, multifractal characteristics of particle production are examined in terms of generalized dimensions, . Nearly the same values of multifractal specific heat, , observed in hadronic and ion-ion collisions over a wide range of incident energies suggest that the quantity might be used as a universal characteristic of multiparticle production in hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions. The analysis is extended to the study of spectrum of scaling indices. The findings reveal that Rényi’s order information entropy could be another way to investigate the fluctuations in multiplicity distributions in terms of spectral function , which has been argued to be a convenient function for comparison sake not only among different experiments but also between the data and theoretical models.