标题:A educação das relações étnico-raciais, as religiões de matrizes africanas e a dupla pertença no episódio “O Compadre de Ogum” na literatura de Jorge Amado
摘要:The article discusses the episode "O compadre de Ogum" of Jorge Amado's literature as adiscourse that highlights the experience of double religious belonging of Bahian blacks andfocuses on the tensions between the Catholic Church and the Candomble. The goal is todemonstrate, in the context of anti-racist legislation and appreciation of African heritage in Brazil,how Jorge Amado’s literature can be considered as a type of discourse that contributes to theknowledge of the African matrix religion as a worldview, a way of relating to the sacred in searchof the life force. In that sense, disputes the folk perspective and the critics of syncretism, asinsufficient speeches to understand the meaning of religious experience of Candomble followers.