摘要:Since language learning relates to learners’ life events, Learning Advisors (advisors) who areprofessionals in promoting learner autonomy through conducting reflective dialogue withlearners, often tap into learners’ life stories in advising sessions. The previous studies on thelife narrative approach indicate that storytellers construct personal meaning and stronger selfimagewhile telling their stories (Bruner, 1990; Erikson, 1968). Atkinson (1998) indicates thatcreating visual images ahead of time could help storytellers prepare to tell their life stories.This study investigates the effects of drawing a ‘picture of life’ (PL) and sharing it in the firstsession of a professional development (PD) program where one-to-one mentoring sessionswere conducted between five experienced advisors and the author during a period of sixmonths. Data were collected from written journals and post-mentoring questionnaires. Aqualitative analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of conducting the PL activity inthe first session. The results showed that the PL activity not only helped the storytellers bringnew insights and meanings to their professional and personal lives, but also it served as a‘point to return to’ which became a strong thread throughout the following sessions.
关键词:picture of life; narrative approach; professional development; advising in;language learning; mentoring