出版社:Instituto de Arqueología y Museo, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
摘要:La Herradura site is located 18 km NW from Cachi,in the north of the Calchaqui Valley. It is constitutedby four platforms with an important set of engravings,associated with enclosures. The set is interpreted asa ritual place.From an iconographic and spatial analysis, we wereable to differentiate, characterize and interpret representationsassignable to different moments of the culturaldevelopment of the region, assigned to early andlate times. This early motifs are represented throughthe figure of the feline and have been incorporatedinto the late composition as they are integrated withinthe same supports.The chronological disparity of the representations leadsus to propose that La Herradura site constitutes a placeof memory. The choice of the same places in differenttimes could suggest the existence of a continuity in thememory process, where the earliest motifs played anactive role in late ritual practice.
关键词:Engravings; La Herradura site; Ritual;Memory; North Calchaqui valley.