摘要:This work aims to discuss the presence of cultural diversity in curricula by looking into the views of musicality among teachers in training. It presents reflections on empirical material collected during six years of teaching work developed by the authors at the undergraduate Schools of Music and Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in both in-person and distance learning systems. It approaches views about musicality and their implication for teachers’ work, discussing ways to value cultural plurality in the academic curriculum. The theoretical framework includes mainly researchers in the areas of education and musical education, while being open to other areas associated with them, with a view to meet the aims of the National Curricular Guidelines for Initial and Continuing Education of Professionals of Basic Education (2016). Reflections and analyzes of the material collected follow the parameters of qualitative research when exploring and interpreting content. The results show alignment between students’ testimonies and the views of musicality advocated by scholars of the area. The debates and the interaction promoted by collective music practice enhanced the sense of belonging, recognition and mutual acceptance – positive elements that also stress the importance of valuing cultural plurality in the educational context.