摘要:The article presents some reflections regarding the unspecified place of therapeutic intervention in the Colombian State’s strategies to address violence against women in the context of couple relationships. It focuses on professional intervention, concretely, therapeutic intervention, and states that despite its significant role in the potential transformation of the imaginaries and subjectivities that support that violence, this type of intervention occupies an unspecified place in the measures stipulated by the law, as well as in Colombian public policies aimed at countering that violence. The article also highlights some of the perspectives that therapists consider useful in the construction of non-violent functional conditions for couples.
关键词:intervención profesional;intervención terapéutica;legislación colombiana;relación de pareja;violencia contra las mujeres;professional intervention;therapeutic intervention;Colombian law;couple relationship;violence against women;intervenção profissional;intervenção terapêutica;legislação colombiana;relação de casal;violência contra as mulheres