期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:Dynamic Wireless sensor network (DWSN) isa group of two or more dynamic nodes withinfrastructure and networking ability that communicatewith each other using sink node. Sink node is capable tomove in predefine path in a certain sensor networks. Dueto the movable capabilities in the networks path it isknown as a Dynamic wireless sensor network. In presentscenario Dynamic wireless sensor network is the fantasticmachinery for wireless sensor network. In past few years,the sensor node doing many works likes sensing, datagathering and forwarding. In wireless sensor network,sensor nodes lost their Energy very quickly and getdisjointed from the network. To avoid this type ofproblem, movable sink introduced which is helpful forimproving network life cycle. We are going toimplementing multiple movable sink for wireless sensornetwork.
关键词:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); Movable;sink; Network Life cycle.