摘要:Self-efficacy of teachers plays an important role in learning process. The purpose of this studywas to investigate the self-efficacy between public and private school teachers at elementarylevel. Objectives of the study were to examine the self-efficacy of public and privateelementary school teachers, to compare the self-efficacy of public and private elementarymale school teachers, to compare the self-efficacy of public and private elementary femaleschool teachers, to determine the difference between self-efficacy of male and female teachersteaching at private elementary schools and to determine the difference between self-efficacyof male and female teachers teaching at public elementary schools. The sample of the studyconsisted of 100 respondents consisting 51 males and 49 females elementary school teachers.Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Bandura (2006) was used as research instrument fordata collection. t-test was used for statistical significance of data. Results show that privateschool teachers have higher level of self-efficacy than public school teachers. Findings of thestudy revealed that private school male teachers have higher level of self-efficacy than publicschool male teachers. Private school female teachers have higher level of self-efficacy ascompare to public school female teachers, female teachers teaching at both private and publicelementary schools showed higher level of self-efficacy than male teachers teaching at bothprivate and public elementary schools. Therefore it is concluded that private school teachersteaching at elementary level have higher self-efficacy than elementary teachers of publicschools.