摘要:Primary education is not only the bedrock for other levels of education and social wellbeing ofindividuals but also serves as a key determinant for societal and national economic growth.The main purpose of this study was to explore the causes of dropout by documenting thevoices of primary school dropouts in order to assess and prevent this phenomenon. This studywas qualitative in its nature because there was no such available exploration from thedropouts. Data were collected from 104 children who dropped out from primary schools byusing interview schedule. These dropouts were identified by using snowball technique. Theirresponses were documented and thematic approach was applied for analysis. These datahelped in understanding the circumstances that led them to the dropout point. The majority ofthe dropouts reported that school based problems such as, unfriendly environment of primaryschool, un-attended difficulty in learning, lack of interest in studies, lack of interest in school,corporal punishment, class repetition and lack of co-curricular activities as causes of theirdropping out. The other causes were family based such as child labor and family crises. Somedropouts reported personal causes such as poor health and mental dullness. In the light ofdropouts’ voices the study tries to justify inclusive education system, as the most appropriatesolution for prevention of dropout of at risk students in primary schools in Pakistan.
关键词:Primary education; dropouts; primary schooling; dropout phenomenon; dropping;out; school improvement.