期刊名称:CAMBIO : Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali
出版社:Università degli Studi di Firenze
摘要:In the Marche region Youth Guarantee (YG) registered high levels ofadhesion by young people as the subscription rate has reached almost 100%of the estimated target base. The Marche regional government has preferrednot to rise high expectations in a large number of young people, offering onlythose policy measures that was able to fund. Those who seem to have benefitedthe most of those policies are young people who were already active in seekinga job and who had more expertise or network resources. These don’t attainstrictly to the NEET condition. Internships have resulted in real employmentwhen responded to real training projects shared between the worker and thecompany, otherwise they often risked to become a way to exploit workers atexpenses of public budget. Beneficiaries showed a good opinion of trainingcourses but complained about job offers and skills matching on the localmarket. Weakness and fragmentation of the supply in labour market makedifficult a good planning of training needs. Respondents to our interviews canbe summarized in three main categories: skilled, confused and disadvantaged.The first ones can benefit from YG limited resources because they have addedit to their own social capital; the second ones had troubles in gaining fromthis chance as they miss some personal or social capital; the last ones are nothelped and in many cases not even touched by this policy, and unfortunatelythey are closer to the core of real NEET youth that were expected to be themain target of this active labour market policy.
关键词:abor policy; Youth Guarantee; Beneficiary; Young workers; Marche;Region