期刊名称:Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
摘要:Based on a 51-case study research in 10 EU Member States this article demonstratesthe implementation of workplace innovation. Why do companies apply workplace innovation andwhat different strategies can be discerned? How do these companies implement workplaceinnovation interventions and who are involved in that process? Finally, what types of workplaceinnovation interventions are being implemented, and what is known about the (expected) effects.The article concludes that successful workplace innovation is interplay of management drivenbusiness goals and employee driven quality of work goals. The implication for both companiesand policy makers is that constructive cooperation between management and employees is a keysuccess factor for innovation, competitiveness and active jobs. We close by providing policy makersand practitioners with a few suggestions to improve the dissemination and implementation ofworkplace innovation respectively.
关键词:workplace innovation; implementation; European Union; European Company Survey.