期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Hovercraft is a non wheeled vehicle which hovers over or moves across all types of surfaces includinggrass, mud, muskeg, sand, quicksand, water and ice very easily using high powered fans (propellers) and aerodynamicdesign. It is also called as Air Cushion (AC) Vehicle. Main Objective of this project work to be carried out is to designa Hovercraft using Lift System and Spy Camera which can be controlled by Remote and uses two high rpm BLDCmotors interfaced with a Micro-Controller to achieve desired functionality. Moreover the purpose of presenting thispaper is to implement new ideas and concepts to make design safer, cost effective, light in weight, moreaerodynamically and importantly more environmental friendly. The motor which is below the hovercraft rotates at avery high RPM that allows it to generate a force enough to make it hover on the surface, whereas motor mountedbehind it, help to push the hovercraft in forward direction. The movement of hovercraft is controlled through remotewhich send command to the micro-controller which generates pulse signals for the motor to be operated. A camera isalso fitted on its top which records the surrounding activities and displays it on the screen.